Friday, November 7, 2014

I'm Quitting my job

Today is Friday and I had my annual performance review in my boss' office.  My review was actually quite pleasant along with the raise and the bonus I received.  Honestly, I love my job, I think highly of my boss and like the folks that work in the cubicles near me.  I've held positions as a Sr. Systems Engineer,  Technology Consultant  and Systems Administrator in IT Departments across various industries. At this moment, my boss still doesn't know that I'll be resigning on January 2, 2015.



I've known for many years that I was going to move somewhere overseas to a beautiful island. Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a summer bunny and that I am happier in warm-to-mid hot climates. So in February 2014, upon returning home from my visit in the Dominican Republic I knew for sure that I wanted to make this happen...very soon.


 I had originally started on this journey asking my self:

HOW IN THE WORLD can I start to prepare...WHAT country will I live in... WHAT IN THE WORLD will I do to maintain a sustainable income and furthermore I'm married,  so HOW can I convince my husband to join me. AND I CAN'T FORGET about the things my mother and adult daughter will say when I tell them. Oh My Gosh, the mechanical spindles in my head began to churn.  Every moment and thought I had during the day increasingly revolved around those questions. Whenever I have the thoughts of WHAT,WHEN and HOW occupying my mind, the burning question of WHY was the most important to me. Why do I feel the need to go, why would I want to leave America, the home of the brave and free.   My "WHY" purpose originates from my burning belief that "To Whom much is given, much is required" and if I don't do this, I will forever regret not having tried.

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